
Hey everyone, we are the FeeCie, we take care of organizing the most brilliant parties. So,
we wanna introduce ourselves real quick:
We start off with our chairwoman Minke, she is
from the “lovely” Herenveen. Luckily, she decided to immigrate to Groningen. Minke always
starts the evening with denying to go out to the club and then end up at the Hoek early in
the morning.
Then we come to Birgit, our dyslexic secretary, great combination. She seems very innocent
in the beginning, but believe us she is NOT…she is always up for hitting the clubs and stays
there till the music stops and the lights got switched on dancing, so you could say a perfect
FeeCie member.
And Robin our treasurer…well what can we say. He comes from Wapenveld, which propably
says NOTHING to you. Is it normal to be late over there? Because Robin has never attended
one of our meetings on time. You can always laugh with Robin. And most of the time you
can also laugh about Robin, especially when he is drunk... then he falls into bushes and down
the stairs and that only after 3 beers.
Duncan AKA Drunken AKA the little red one. Our only real Groninger city boy. He describes
himself as arrogant, but actually has a big heart. (He for example always takes care of Birgit
when she get a little bit more than tipsy.) Although he looks quite tiny, he drinks huge
amounts of alcohol.
Guydeon, also known as Robins dad, he takes care that Robin finds his way home safely in
change for a place to sleep, cause this guy-deon is still not living in our beautiful Groningen.
You just cannot get this Frisian out of Leeuwarden.
Xavier, the man who got kicked out from his own party. Xavier was born in Chicago and then
moved to Namibia, then Sweden and Dubai and now ended up in in Groningen. So you could
say, he is a real world traveler.
And last but not least, Sophie, the granny of our committee. Our German but really well
Dutch speaking member. The cycling is something though she has not completely figured out
yet, she just crashed into a tree recently with her stolen Swapfiets and was left with a black
FeeCie '22-'23
Minke Peters (2020) | Voorzitter |
Birgit Hilboezen (2020) | Secretaris |
Robin Bredewoud (2020) | Penningmeester |
Sophie Heitmann (2021) | Actief lid |
Guydeon Boomsma (2020) | Actief lid |
Xavier Matthews (2022) | Actief lid |
Duncan van Dingen (2021) | Actief lid |